Leave your Leaves
Leaving your leaves increases biodiversity and climate resiliency
Leaving your leaves is one way to change some of the forces at work behind the twin crises of climate change and loss of biodiversity. Some direct impact and benefits to leaving your leaves includes more beneficial insects including pollinators and fireflies, less stormwater runoff, healthier soil and trees, and less air and noise pollution.
You can help alleviate these crises right in your yard and inspire your neighbors to do the same. There are many benefits to leaving your leaves!
You can pick up a yard sign (pictured above) Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm from NC Cooperative Extension, 721 Foster St, Durham, NC.
This project is made possible by the fund for the Triangle – Support for the Environment of Triangle Community Foundation. Triangle Community Foundation is building a brighter future for everyone in the Triangle region of North Carolina. Learn more at trianglecf.org
New Hope Bird Alliance strives to protect birds, wildlife, and their local habitats through conservation, education, advocacy, and outdoor enjoyment. Learn more about New Hope Bird Alliance at our website newhopebirdalliance.org
This project is made possible in collaboration with Keep Durham Beautiful. KDB connects people and builds community through litter prevention, greening and environmental justice resources and service. Learn more at keepdurhambeautiful.org