Pollinator Gardens in Durham, NC


Pollinator garden etiquette

As you are visiting these public spaces to enjoy their beauty, please remember this adage:

“Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time.”

Please be respectful of the plants, animals, and insects living in the gardens, and of the hard work that has been done to maintain them. Do not pick or otherwise damage any of the plants or flowers in the garden, do not leave personal trash, and do not harm any critters you see.

Add a garden to our list

Do you have a pollinator garden that you want to share with the community?

Send us a message at info@keepdurhambeautiful.org with the name and address of your pollinator garden, as well as any special instructions for navigating and parking.

Get involved

A garden is never truly finished. Volunteers and community partners will help maintain these gardens for years to come. Have an idea or want to get involved? Email info@keepdurhambeautiful.org to learn how! Please consider making a donation to help us bring our plans to fruition by clicking the button below.