Waste Reduction Resources in Durham

One of the many things we love about Durham is how many resources our community has to reduce your waste! Check out this list of waste reduction resources that are located here in Durham!

City of Durham Textile Recycling

City of Durham Solid Waste Management- where you can dispose/recycle what

CompostNow weekly doorstep collection service empowers those without the space, time or desire to manage their own composting system to still compost at home!

Don’t Waste Durham is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create solutions that prevent trash at its source.

·         Greentogo Durham's premier reusable + returnable takeout container service

·         Sustainable Food Truck Certification recognizes and promotes food trucks that commit to low-waste, sustainable practices.

Durham Co-op Market  grocery store with local and bulk options

Durham Originals born to inform the community of our unlimited potential to make change + to supply the tools needed to integrate eco-consciousness into your lifestyle.

Fillaree zero waste soap refills

The Scrap Exchange is a nonprofit organization with a mission to promote creativity, environmental awareness, and community through reuse. They collect materials from local businesses and residents and distribute these reclaimed resources to educators, artists, makers, and students through a variety of programs.

Sprouts grocery store offering a range of natural and organic grocery items and options to buy in bulk

Triangle Ecycling refurbishes and recycles computers and other electronics to support STEM education with hands-on tech training for high school students

Ungraded Produce rescues ‘at risk’ ugly produce from going to waste, handpacks this produce into boxes, and delivers it to customers’ doors for 30-50% cheaper than supermarket alternatives. They also donate produce to local pantries for each box sold.