Beyond the Backyard: Native Planting for Public Landscapes
Hosts: Keep Durham Beautiful, New Hope Audubon Society
Sponsor: Burt’s Bees Foundation
Cost: $30 per person includes coffee, lunch & break snacks
This day-long forum will focus on the use of native plants in public-facing and large-format landscapes. We’ll address how public spaces can be redesigned to allow native species to thrive and why this practice can increase biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions with smart operational cost considerations.
Target audience will include landscape professionals, owners and managers of public-facing and large-format landscapes in the Triangle area.
Format will include panelist presentations and discussions of local examples of these landscaping methods, practical lessons learned and recommendations for best practices.
“The Why” Native Plantings in Public Spaces
Case Studies: BIG SCALE
Tour of EPA Native Landscape Project
Case Studies: SMALL SCALE
"The Menu” of Native Landscape Options
Keynote Speaker